Thursday, August 24, 2006

General John Quitman & His Wife, Eliza

Monmouth was built in 1818. Its most prominent occupant was John A. Quitman, a Natchez lawyer, politician, planter, and slaveholder. He acquired the house in 1826 for his wife Eliza.

Quitman, a northerner born in New York, lived his life in Natchez until his death in 1858. He was the father of eleven children. Quitman served in the U.S. Congress and was the Governor of Mississippi for one term in the 1850s; he was a victorious and much decorated General commanding volunteer American forces during the war with Mexico. Quitman is remembered, moreover, as one of Mississippi’s most vehement secessionists, or “fire-eaters”.

For more hisorical information on Monmouth visit our website @

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